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Message from President

Message from President

Dear members of ASU,
It is great pleasure to address you all in my letter this time. We are discussing about making our association more strong by increasing the number of life members by converting as many associate members as possible in this few months period. My request to all urology clubs of different cities to talk to their new members and ask them to change their status by submitting a copy of their degree certificate. This can be routed through the local secretariat. I am anxious to meet the TAPASU members in this forthcoming meet at Tanjore. I wish the organisers a great and memorable event. Humble request to all members of south zone to SELF REGISTER for USICON 2023 at New Delhi and make it a grand success. Long live ASU.

Wishing you the very best,

Dr. P. Avudiappan,
President, Association of Southern Urologists

Dr. V. Surya Prakash