- Receive all subscriptions and other dues from the members.
- Make payments for all approved expenditure on receiving communication about them from the Secretary, obtain receipts for the same and keep the book of accounts updated promptly.
- Prepare and present an interim summary of accounts at the meetings of the Council
- Prepare the Annual Financial report consisting of the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement and a Summary of accounts in conjunction with the approved auditor and obtaining the auditor's certification for the same.
- Present the audited Financial report to the Council, and obtaining its approval for presentation of the same to the General Body
- Present the audited Financial Report to the General Body and addressing queries and providing clarifications to members.
- Keep true and accurate records of all financial transactions of the Association.
- Notify members & sponsors of dues in a timely manner and collect the outstanding dues from them.
- Represent the Association along with the approved auditor at any statutory inquiries pertaining to the finances of the Association.
- Advise the Council in judicious use of its finances in order to ensure compliance with statutory obligations and optimise their utilisation to further the activities of the Association.
Executive Council (Referred to as "Council" for Simplicity)
The Council shall assist the officers of the Association in the conduct of the affairs of the Association. The General Body of members shall determine the composition of the Council from time to time. At the present time the General Body has determined that the Council shall comprise of the following members:
Members of the Council
- The President
- The President-elect
- The Secretary
- The Secretary-elect
- The Treasurer
- The Immediate Past-President
- One member from each of the State units under the jurisdiction of the
Association, duly elected by the General Body of ASU, provided such a
member has been a full member of the Association of Southern Urologists
for a period of at least five calendar years. They will hold the office for
two years from the time of installation at the Valedictory
Function/Ceremony of the Annual General Body Meeting at which the
election has taken place and shall conclude on installation of the next
Council Member at the Valedictory Function/Ceremony of the Annual
General meeting at which the new Council Member has been elected
- The Presidents of the State units under the jurisdiction of the Association,
for a period contemporaneous with their term of office, shall be
“exofficio” members
Responsibilities of the Council
- The Council shall constitute the executive authority of the Association
- The Council shall determine and plan scientific, business and financial
activities as mandated by the General Body of members.
- The Council shall meet to deliberate on activities of the Association and
any other matter requiring executive consideration
- The Council shall meet at least once in every quarter of the calendar year.
- The Council shall mandatorily meet immediately prior to the Annual
General Body meeting to approve the agenda for the Annual General
Body meeting, and to approve the audited financial Statement for
presentation to the General Body
- The Council shall be responsible for arrangements for the business and
scientific parts of the Annual General Meeting.
- The Council shall be responsible for the investment of monies of the
Association with due regard to legal stipulations regarding such
investments, and in accordance with the expressed wish of the General
Body regarding the same.
- The Council may appoint sub committees for specific tasks requiring
exclusive attention or specific expertise.
- The Council may appoint members to the sub-committee from amongst
themselves, or from the general membership of the Association; however,
anybody who is not a Full Member of the Association may only participate
in such a sub-committee as an invitee, and shall have no role in decision
- Such a sub-committee shall work under the direction of the Council.
- The work allocated to such a committee shall be completed in a
timebound framework, and a written report submitted to the full Council
for discussion and approval.
- Such sub-committee reports shall be incorporated in the annual report of
the Association after approval by the Council, and presented at the Annual
General Body meeting.
- If a duly elected Council Member fails to attend two consecutive Executive
Council meetings in a year, he/she shall voluntarily relinquish the post.
The same shall be conveyed in writing to the President within a fortnight
of the previous council meeting. A member who has voluntarily
relinquished the council post in such a manner shall be eligible to contest
again for the same later.
- In the event such a member does not voluntarily relinquish the post as in
(xiii) above, such a member shall forfeit his/her post. Such forfeiture shall
be effected automatically, and shall be conveyed to the member in writing
by the President of the Association.
- A member who forfeits the council membership in such a manner shall
not be eligible to contest for council membership for a period of three
- The post vacated as per (xiii) or (xiv) above shall be filled by nominations
from the Executive Councils of the respective State as per procedure in
15(d)(i) below, and such a nominated member shall hold office until
elections are held for a new member at the succeeding Annual General
Body Meeting. A member nominated as above shall enjoy all the
privileges of council membership until the election of the regular
Deliberations & Decision Making at Meetings of the Council & Sub-committees
- All meetings shall be conducted according to the agenda prepared and
circulated to members in advance.
- Matters on the agenda shall be deliberated first and decisions taken
before matters not on the agenda but requiring discussion are taken up
with the permission of the Chairperson.
- Decisions shall be taken by a consensus as far as possible.
- If a consensus is not forthcoming on any matter, the Chairperson shall
put the matter to vote, and record the number of members voting for
and against the matter, without mentioning names; in such voting the
decision of a simple majority shall be final.
- In the case of a tie, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a “Casting
vote” which shall determine the outcome of the voting; the “casting
vote” shall not be used to alter any decision already arrived at by a
majority vote.
- The decisions taken at Council meetings shall be recorded and signed by
the Chairperson at the end of the meeting, and incorporated in the
minutes of the meeting by the Secretary
- The Secretary shall circulate the minutes within seven working days of
the conclusion of these meetings for comments & amendments from
- If no comments are received within one week from the date of
circulation of minutes, the minutes shall be deemed to have been
passed and shall be duly incorporated in the permanent records.
- All communications pertaining to the meetings of the Council, the
agenda for meetings, the minutes of meetings and any other matters
under the consideration of the Council shall be sent to members in the
electronic format to their E-mail addresses recorded by members in the
official register or directory of the Association.
- Members shall, in turn, transmit all communications from their side in
similar electronic format.
Cessation of Membership of Council and Replacement of Vacancies
- A non-officer member of the Council elected by the General Body is
normally expected to complete the full term of membership; in the event
of any member being unable to do so, the same shall be conveyed in
writing to the Secretary
- The Secretary shall communicate the same to the Secretary of the
respective State, with a request for the State unit to send a new member
as replacement; the concerned State unit shall adopt an official
resolution naming a fresh member who meets the criteria of eligibility for
Council membership, and send a copy of the resolution duly signed by
the President & Secretary of the State unit.
- The suggested name shall be circulated to the members of the ASU
Council after the Secretary has ascertained that the proposed alternate
member is eligible to serve in the Council.
- Such an alternate member shall serve as a member of the Council until
the next Annual General Body meeting at which the General Body shall
elect a new member to the Council from that State; the term of such an
elected alternate/new member shall be a full term commencing from the
date of the installation at the Valedictory Function/Ceremony at the end
of the Annual Conference.
- If the vacancy arises less than 3 months from the date of the next Annual
Conference, the vacancy shall only be filled as per procedure mentioned
above, and no alternate member shall be co-opted or nominated.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall comprise of two parts - a Scientific meeting, to be referred to as the Annual Conference and a Business meeting, to be referred to as the Annual General Body Meeting.
The Annual Conference
- The Annual Conference shall be held over two-and-a-half days over the second weekend in the month of July every year, except in unusual circumstances.
- The scientific programme for the Conference shall be finalised by the Council, and the Secretary shall be responsible for the conduct of the same.
- The format of the scientific programme, including the fixed sessions, shall be available on the website of the Association in the form of E-book that can be downloaded by members.
- The protocol for the scientific programme, the Inaugural ceremony, fixed sessions and the Valedictory Function/Ceremony shall be available on the website of the Association in the form of E-Hand Book that can be downloaded by members.
The Annual General Body Meeting
The Annual General Body Meeting shall be the annual business meeting of the Association.
Date & Venue
The Annual General Body meeting shall be held on the penultimate day of the Annual Conference, at the conclusion of the scientific sessions on that day.
Notice of the Meeting
The Secretary shall send notice of the meeting indicating time, venue and agenda at least four weeks in advance of the date of the meeting. The notice shall be sent electronically to the registered E-mail address of all members as registered in the official records/members directory.
Agenda for the Meeting
The Secretary shall circulate the agenda for the meeting along with the notice of the meeting. The meeting shall mandatorily take up the following matters:
- Approval of the minutes of the previous Annual General Body meeting
- Discussion of the financial report presented by the Treasurer and its adoption.
- A. Approval of the Audited Financial Statement and Accounts of the preceding financial year.
B. Approval of Appointment/ Reappointment of the Auditor for ASU.
- Approval of list of new members recommended by the Council.
- Announcement of results of the elections for the incoming office-bearers of
the Association
- Approval of venue for various forthcoming academic events and future
- Approval of orators, and Faculty for named lectures of the Association at the
next Conference
- Approval to convenors for respective academic sessions at the next
- Discussion on duly presented Constitution amendments, if any, and approval
of the same following due procedure
- To discuss any resolution placed by the Council or moved by individual
members following due procedure.
- Discussion of any other matter brought up for discussion with the permission
of the Chair
15 Full members shall constitute the Quorum for the meeting. If the required number is
not present in the hall at the designated time, the President shall adjourn the meeting
for 30 minutes and reconvene the same as Adjourned General Body Meeting. The
members present at the reconvened session shall be deemed to form the quorum for
proceedings to be conducted.
Presenting Resolutions for Adoption at the Annual General Body Meeting :
- Members wishing to bring resolutions for discussion to the meeting may do so by
sending the full resolution duly seconded by another member to the Secretary at
least six weeks before the date of the Annual General Body meeting.
- The Secretary shall circulate the resolutions to all members at least 4 weeks prior to
the General Body Meeting.
- The resolution will be considered first by the Council, before presenting in the
General Body Meeting.
- The Secretary will then place the same before the General Body along with the
recommendations of the Council.
- The President will put the resolution to vote in case no consensus is reached on the
resolution after sufficient discussion.
Voting on Resolutions & Proposals at the General Body Meetings
- Voting on matters at the General Body meetings shall ordinarily be by voice vote.
- In the event of disagreement about the outcome of the voice vote, the President
shall call for votes by a show of hands, or a physical count taken after the members
take sides on either side of an aisle to represent the group of “Ayes” and the group
of “Nays” distinctly.
- The President shall not normally cast a vote, and shall use the casting vote only to
resolve a deadlock or tie on numbers.
Elections to the Offices and Council of the Association
Elections will be held during the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall circulate
the list of vacant posts and call for nominations at least five months prior to the date of
the Annual General Meeting.
- Voting on matters at the General Body meetings shall ordinarily be by voice vote.
- In the event of disagreement about the outcome of the voice vote, the President
shall call for votes by a show of hands, or a physical count taken after the members
take sides on either side of an aisle to represent the group of “Ayes” and the group
of “Nays” distinctly.
- The President shall not normally cast a vote, and shall use the casting vote only to
resolve a deadlock or tie on numbers.
- Nominations shall be submitted in the prescribed format circulated on
behalf of the Association by the Secretary.
- Each nomination must be proposed by two Full Members in good
standing, and seconded by another two Full Members in good standing.
- The candidate shall be solely responsible for any infirmity or accuracy in
the details furnished in the nomination form.
- The mandatory declaration form duly signed by the candidate must
accompany nominations.
- Nominations must reach the Secretary before 5 p.m. on the last date for
filing nominations as announced in the election notice.
- Nominations shall close twelve weeks before the date of
commencement of the Annual General meeting; any nominations
received after that time shall not be accepted.
- Nomination forms that are incomplete in any respect shall be rejected
after scrutiny.
- Nominations not submitted in the prescribed form shall be rejected.
- No change in deadline dates shall be permitted even when the delay in
the nomination form reaching the Returning Officer due to postal delays,
poor courier delivery service or force majeure events. A candidate is
expected to take all these possibilities into consideration and ensure
that the nomination form is despatched well in time.
- A member can contest only for one post at a time.
- A member can propose or second only one name per post.
- A member contesting for a post may propose or second another
member for any post other than the one being contested by the
proposing/seconding member.
Returning Officer, Scrutiny of Nominations, Withdrawal of Candidature & Conduct of
- One of the Past Presidents of the Association in good standing, nominated by
the Executive Council, shall be the Returning Officer for the elections
- All nominations for various posts shall be sent directly to the returning
- The Scrutiny of nominations shall take place within 48 hours of the time for
closure of nominations.
- The Returning Officer shall scrutinise the nomination papers, verify the
accuracy of the information provided in respect of the membership status of
the candidate, the proposer and the seconder, and then accept all papers
that are in order.
- The Returning Officer shall reject any incomplete, inaccurate or
inappropriate nomination. This rejection shall be conveyed after scrutiny of
all nomination forms to the candidate by the Returning Officer in writing,
along with the reasons for the rejection.
- The Returning Officer is not authorised to communicate any infirmity or
error in the nomination papers to a candidate under any circumstances. It is
expected that candidates shall have exercised all care while submitting their
nomination forms, and shall bear the responsibility for any infirmity or error
in their forms.
- No plea for rectification of any infirmity or error shall be entertained after
last date for submission of nominations.
- The Returning Officer shall convey to the Secretary the list of valid
nominations within one week after the last date for the submission of
- After (vii) above, the Secretary shall publish a list of candidates whose
nominations have been found to be in order, within one week from the date
on which he gets communication from the Returning Officer
- Candidates who have submitted valid nominations but wish to withdraw
from the contest may do so in writing to the Returning Officer, conveying
their decision to withdraw from the contest.
- This shall be done before 5.00 p.m. on a working day at least two weeks
before the date of the elections.
- The Returning Officer shall immediately inform the Secretary of such
withdrawal, and follow it up with a written communication within 24 hours.
- The Secretary shall circulate the Final list of candidates, and the post
they are contesting for, to members, two working days from the last date of
withdrawal of nominations
- The Returning Officer may utilise the assistance of senior members of the
Association, who are not candidates and have no personal interest in any
candidate, whenever it is necessary for the smooth and efficient conduct of
the election process.
- Each contestant may nominate, in writing, ONE full member of the
Association to be his/her representative to oversee the process of polling &
counting on his/her behalf. Such a nomination shall be made at least twentyfour hours before the time notified for commencement of the
- Canvassing through circulation of pamphlets, display of posters, shouting of
slogans, circulation of mass E-mails through mass-mailing services, circulation
of bulk SMS messages, circulation of bulk WhatsApp or other messaging
applications (like Telegram, Textra, MySMS, Viber, etc.), and on social
networks like Facebook & Twitter is prohibited. Engaging in soliciting votes
through any of the above platforms shall disqualify a contestant.
- Cognisance of canvassing may be taken suo motu by the Returning Officer or
on a specific complaint lodged by any member of the Association.
- The principles of natural justice shall be applied in considering disqualification, and
the Council shall ratify the disqualification before it is applied.
- In case of any member attracting such disqualification, and the same being
ratified by the Council, the disqualification shall be personally conveyed to the
candidate by the Returning Officer and the Secretary through appropriate
Retirement from Contest
No retirement will be permitted after the final list of candidates has been published.
- The ballots may be electronic or physical depending on the decision of the
Council and availability of facilities for electronic voting at the venue of the
Conference, connectivity, etc.
- In the case of physical ballot, the official ballot paper shall be prepared by the
Returning Officer, checked for accuracy and bear his signature and seal.
- Ballots shall not be numbered or carry any other information that may
provide for traceability of the voter.
- The procedure for electronic voting may be decided by the Council and
preferably include on-site and off-site facilities
Casting of Vote
- In the case of electronic ballots, votes shall be cast in the manner indicated
in the procedure for voting.
- Details of the procedure for electronic voting shall be available on the
website of the Association for members to refer to, and download if
- In the case of physical ballot, the Returning Officer with the help of members
of the Council shall prepare booths that provide privacy and ballot boxes that
are sealed in the presence of the candidates.
- A sufficient number of booths and ballot boxes shall be provided to facilitate
smooth voting.
- One Council member from each of the States shall be seated at a table with
the list of eligible voters.
- Voting shall commence at the time fixed for commencement of the voting
process, and cease exactly at the time announced for conclusion of the
voting process.
- Voters shall present themselves to their respective State representatives
who shall verify their membership status, and obtain their signatures on the
list of voters.
- A suitable mark shall be made on a pre-determined finger over the nail bed,
and the ballot paper handed over to the voter.
- The voter shall mark the choice (s) in the privacy of the booths, and carry the
folded paper to the ballot boxes and drop it into the box.
- Only one choice shall be marked for each post.
- If more than one choice has been marked for any post, the vote cast for that
post shall be considered invalid.
- When the time announced for the closing of voting is reached, no further
verification of voters shall be carried out; however, those voters who have
finished the verification process and are waiting to receive the ballot paper
shall be allowed to complete the process of casting their vote.
- In matters of the time for commencement of voting and conclusion of voting
the decision of the Returning Officer shall be final and binding.
Counting of Votes
- In the case of electronic voting, counting of votes and tabulation of results
shall be done as soon as the time for voting is completed, and the end of
polling time announced by the Returning Officer.
- In the case of physical ballots, counting of votes shall begin as soon as the
polling area is cleared of voters and unconnected individuals.
- The ballot boxes will be opened in the presence of the candidates, or their
authorised representative duly nominated as per procedure prescribed
earlier, and the ballot papers mixed into one lot.
- No person other than the Returning Officer and designated members
assisting the Returning Officer shall be present at the time of counting.
- The candidates may observe the counting from a reasonable distance
without inconveniencing the counting party in any way.
- The counting of votes shall proceed as a continuous process.
- All counted votes shall carry a distinct mark to indicate they have been
- Invalid votes shall be separated after marking in order to facilitate recording
the number of such votes.
- Neither the Returning Officer nor the members of the counting team shall
disclose the results, the number of votes polled by individual candidates or
any other detail to anybody at any time after elections
Announcement of Results
- After obtaining the tally, the Returning Officer shall place all the ballot papers
cast in a box, and seal the same in presence of the candidates or their duly
nominated representatives to ensure sanctity and confidentiality of the
election process.
- The final tally of each candidate contesting for each of the posts shall be
verified to the satisfaction of all members of the counting team and recorded.
The Returning Officer shall obtain the signatures of the members
participating in the counting on the final tally sheet.
- The Returning officer shall convey the name of the successful candidate
against each post in writing to the President for entering in the official
- The votes polled by the candidates shall not be disclosed in this written
document handed over to the President
- The President may announce the list of elected candidates during the course
of the General Body Meeting at the appropriate time, or may request the
Returning Officer to announce the names of the elected candidates.
Retention of Ballots Cast
- In the case of electronic voting, the raw data shall be encrypted and retained
on the server for a period of one month from the time of conclusion of the
Annual General Meeting.
- The database shall be securely deleted after this period on the receipt of
permission from the Returning Officer to do so.
- The ballot papers cast in the election shall remain in the custody of the
Returning Officer in a sealed box for one week from the date of the General
Body Meeting.
- At the end of this period, the Returning Officer shall shred the ballot papers
in order to avoid any leakage of the same.
- On completion of the shredding process, the Returning Officer shall convey
information of the same having been completed in writing to the Secretary .
Challenge to the Outcome of the elections & Recount of Ballots
- Challenge to the results in the case of electronic voting shall not be
maintained as the scope for human error in counting is non-existent.
- Challenges will only be entertained in the case of physical ballots.
- Any aggrieved candidate may challenge the results in writing before 10 p.m.
on the day the results are announced
- If such a challenge is laid, the votes cast for the specific post that the challenger contested for shall be recounted in the same fashion as was done for the original counting but in the presence of all the candidates contested for that post, or their duly nominated representatives, in order to ensure transparency and finality.
- The Returning Officer shall obtain the signatures of all the candidates on the result sheet of the recount, and hand the same over to the Secretary.
- The returning officer shall convey the outcome of this recount in writing to the President.
- In the event the outcome of the election has changed after the recount, the President shall announce the new outcome prior to the commencement of the plenary sessions the next day.
Amendment to the Rules and Bylaws of the Association
- Amendments to the rules and bylaws may be proposed either by the Council of the Association, or by individual members.
- Where the Council proposes such amendments, the proposal shall be accompanied by a resolution of the Council containing the precise wording of the proposed amendment, the Section, Clause & Sub-clause it is applicable to, the wording of the existing clause and the reasons for proposing the change.
- Where it is for insertion of a new rule, the Section or Section and Clause under which it is to be inserted must be indicated.
- Where an individual member proposes such amendments, the proposal shall be seconded by at least 5 other Full Members of the Association
- The proposal shall contain the precise wording of the proposed amendment, the Section, Clause & Sub-clause it is applicable to, the wording of the existing clause and the reasons for proposing the change.
- In either case, the amendment shall be submitted to the Secretary at least six weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
- The Secretary shall circulate the same to all members at least four weeks prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
- The proposal shall be included in the Agenda of Annual General Meeting in the form of a Resolution duly proposed and seconded
- No alternate amendments shall be proposed in respect of the proposed amendment, except minor modifications to remove ambiguity or provide clarity.
- Amendments shall not be entertained at any time after the stipulated period
- Amendments proposed shall be considered clause by clause.
- If there is consensus on the amendment, the same may be accepted as unanimously adopted.
- If no consensus is reached after a reasonable time for discussion, the President will put the amendments) to vote.
- For the amendment to be carried, not less than three-fourth of the Full members present should vote in favour of the amendment; in the event of the number turning out to be a fraction below the three-fourths figure, the nearest integer shall be determined by the casting vote of the President.
Dissolution of the Association
- A proposal for dissolution of the Association shall be brought through a resolution signed by not less than three-fourth of the Full members on the rolls of the society at the time the proposal is raised.
- The resolution shall be discussed at a General Body Meeting convened specially for this purpose.
- The resolution for dissolution shall be carried in the event of not less than threefourth of the Full members present vote in favour of dissolution.
- Upon such a resolution being adopted, the Association shall stand dissolved forthwith, and a liquidator appointed to settle assets and liabilities.
- All steps shall be taken to discharge all verified claims and liabilities on the books of accounts of the Association.
- If residual assets remain after all liabilities have been discharged, they shall be transferred to an Institution or Institutions having similar objectives; the Institution(s) that the assets will go to shall also be determined (at the meeting that effects the dissolution) by not less than three-fourth of the Full members present.
- In all of these, the Association shall comply with the laws and regulations of the in force at the time.