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Endowed Honours of ASU

Endowed Honours of ASU

The presenter for this prestigious oration will be selected by the Council of South Zone - USI and approved by the General Body. The Orator selected by the Council of ASU, should be a Urologist having distinguished and outstanding career in the field of Urology and a member of ASU. Prof. H.S.Bhat initially (1998) contributed a sum of Rs. 25,000.00 - later on Dr. A.V.S.Reddy of Hyderabad, family members and other students of Prof. H.S.Bhat (who contributed an additional amount of Rs.75,000.00) Thus the corpus for conduct of this Oration is Rs. 1,00,000.00. From 2015 onwards, ASU itself has taken the responsibility of conduct of the oration, keeping aside a corpus of Rs.3 lakhs.

The duration of Oration (including introduction) is 20 min. and the session will be chaired by the President and Secretary of ASU. The President will briefly speak on Prof. H.S.Bhat and the Oration, while the Hon. Secretary will briefly introduce the Orator. The ASU shall reimburse the economy class air-fare or AC 2-tier travel expenses by the shortest route (subject to budget allocations of the society for the session) to the Orator and will also give a memento and a certificate.

The local organising committee shall provide complimentary registration for the orator at the conference. They will also provide accommodation at the venue or in a suitable hotel/guesthouse and also arrange for the orator to be picked-up from and dropped back to the airport/railway station, and local transport.

The orator will be presented with a Medal and a Certificate prepared by ASU.

Dr Nalini Venugopal was Professor of Pathology at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. She was not only an eminent equal to her husband Dr P. Venugopal, she was also a regular participant in scientific sessions at Urology conferences. She was one of the earliest pathologists to take special interest in Uropathology, bringing the pathology insights into urological disease. Her clinico-pathological conferences greatly enhanced clinicians’ understanding of uropathology.

This Clinico-pathological conference has been named in her memory. It has been endowed by ASU chiefly from the revenues of the SZUSICON held at Hyderabad in 2012. A corpus of Rs. 3 lakhs is kept aside for conduct of this session. It will be held every alternate year during the annual scientific conference of the ASU.

The ASU shall reimburse the economy class air-fare or AC 2-tier travel expenses by the shortest route (subject to budget allocations of the society for the session) to the Pathologist and will also give a memento and a certificate.

The local organising committee shall provide complimentary registration for the Pathologist at the conference. They will also provide accommodation at the venue or in a suitable hotel/guesthouse and also arrange for the Pathologist to be picked-up from and dropped back to the airport/railway station and local transport.

The Moderator will be presented with a Memento and a Certificate prepared by ASU and the Participants will be given a Certificate printed by ASU.

The guidelines for conduct of this Symposium are included elsewhere in the Handbook of ASU.

Endowed Awards and Grants of Association of Southern Urologists Existent Upto and Including Szusicon 2015

This award was presented to the best scientific paper presented by any member of the Association during the Annual Conference. Dr. N.Sethuraman initially donated a corpus of Rs. 10,000 and later added another Rs.10,000.00. The total amount now kept as corpus for this award was Rs. 20,000.00. A cash prize (bank interest) along with a certificate was handed over to the winner during the succeeding Annual Conference of ASU. There was a separate session during the Annual Conference of ASU for selection of the award winner. All the guidelines for submission of abstracts for presentation during South Zone-USI were followed. Additionally, the presenter should have been the primary author for the paper. Only original papers were to be presented. The full paper and abstract was to be submitted to the Hon. Secretary before the deadline for consideration in this category. The total time for presentation of paper was 10 min + 2 minutes for discussion.

The endowed award was discontinued from 2016 onwards.

This award was given for the two best posters presented during the Annual Conference by any member of the Association. Prof. C.L.Ashok Kumar of Chennai had donated a corpus fund of Rs. 25,000.00 in 1999 and later added Rs. 10,000.00 in 2004, thus forming a corpus of Rs. 35,000.00. Rs. 2500.00 and Rs. 1500.00 was given as cash prizes to the I and II best posters, along with certificates during the next Annual Conference of ASU.

The endowed award was discontinued from 2016 onwards.

This was awarded to a post graduate student in Urology (MCh. /DNB) who won the contest conducted annually during the Conference. This award was initially sponsored by Lupin Laboratories in 1990 and later by Wockardt in 1992-1993. In 1994, Prof. K.Ravishankar donated a corpus of Rs. 10,000.00 and in 2003, Dr. Sivaraman and Dr.Thanikachalam of Chennai contributed an additional amount of Rs.20,000.00. Thus the total corpus for this prize was Rs. 30,000.00, the bank interest of which was utilized to give the cash prize and certificate to the winner, during the next Annual Conference of ASU.

The endowed prize was discontinued from 2016 onwards.

Gold medal was awarded to the best debater in the Point – Counter Point Debate session during the Annual Conference. The corpus amount of Rs. 25,000.00 for this award was donated by Dr. N.Krishnamurthy of Madurai in 2000. Usually there were 3 topics, each topic being debated by 2 teams. Time was allotted for moderator’s comments, rebuttal and floor participation.

The medal and certificate were given during the next Annual Conference of ASU. The endowed award was discontinued from 2016 onwards.

This was awarded to the postgraduate students in Urology (MCh/DNB) who were Associate members of ASU, whose curriculum vitae was duly attested by the Professor in charge. Applications were to be sent to the Hon. Secretary along with before 15th May, specifying the centre the candidate wishes to visit and get a no objection certificate from the Head of the centre he/she was planning to visit. The duration of training was for one week. The Travel Fellowship applications would be scrutinized by a panel of judges, headed by Prof. Ravindranath, who donated the corpus fund of Rs. 25,000.00 in 1999 and later added another corpus of Rs. 15,000.00 in 2005, thus forming a total corpus of Rs. 40,000.00. The Fellowship winner would be announced during the ensuing Annual Conference of ASU. However, the final report after the training had been undertaken should have been submitted before the next Annual Conference of South Zone-USI. The Fellowship money (bank interest accrued from the corpus) and certificate was be handed over only after receiving final report along with the attendance certificate from the Head of Department where the training was undertaken.

The endowed award was discontinued from 2016 onwards.

This award was for a Junior Urologist of 5 years standing in the profession and below the age of 45 years, who was also a member of ASU. Initially the selected candidate had to spend 10-15 days in the Department of Urology, CMC, Vellore for training in Renal Transplantation/ Advanced Urology. Later, the candidate was permitted to undergo training in this subject in any institution of his choice, if there was concurrence from the institution. Prof. A.P.Pandey had donated a corpus of Rs.25,000.00 in 1997 for institution of this Fellowship. Later in 2004, Dr.Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy of Bangalore added Rs. 10,000.00, thus making the corpus of this Fellowship as Rs. 35,000.00, the bank interest of which, along with a certificate, was presented to the Fellowship winner during the next Annual Conference of South Zone-USI. Application along with the curriculum vitae of the candidate should have been sent to the Hon. Secretary before 15th May. The Fellowship winner used to be announced during the ensuing Annual Conference of ASU. However, the training of the selected candidate should have been undertaken and the final report should have been submitted before the next Annual Conference of South Zone-USI. The Fellowship money and certificate would be handed over only after receiving final report along with the attendance certificate from the Head of Department where the training was undertaken.

The endowed award was discontinued from 2016 onwards.

Endowed Awards and Grants of Association of Southern Urologists Existent Upto and Including SZUSICON 2022

Prof. C.Chinnaswami of Chennai collected a sum of Rs. 50,000.00 in 1992 and in additional amount of Rs. 50,000.00 in 2000 for conduct of this Symposium in the name of Mr.Khivraj, who was a patient of his. M/s Khivraj Chordia Trust contributed an additional amount of Rs. 2,00,000 in 2015, thereby making the corpus for this honour as Rs. 3 lakhs. This named honour will exist till the annual conference to be held in 2022, unless renewed thereafter.

The Convenor will be presented with a Memento and a Certificate prepared by ASU and the Participants will be given a Certificate printed by ASU.

The guidelines for conduct of this Symposium are included elsewhere in the Handbook of ASU.

The students of Prof. P.B.Sivaraman of Chennai donated a corpus of Rs. 3,00,000.00 in 2006 for conduct of this Guest Lecture. The speaker, selected by the Council of ASU should be a Urologist having distinguished and outstanding career in the field of Urology nationally or internationally.

The duration of Oration is 20 min. and the session will be chaired by the President-Elect and Secretary of ASU. The President-Elect will briefly speak on Prof. P.B.Sivaraman and the Guest Lecture, while the Secretary will briefly introduce the speaker. This named honour will exist till the annual conference to be held in 2022, unless renewed thereafter.

The ASU shall reimburse the economy class air-fare or AC 2-tier travel expenses by the shortest route (subject to budget allocations of the society for the session) to the Speaker and will also give a memento and a certificate.

The local organising committee shall provide complimentary registration for the Speaker at the conference. They will also provide accommodation at the venue or in a suitable hotel/guesthouse and also arrange for the orator to be picked-up from and dropped back to the airport/railway station, and local transport.

The orator will be presented with a Medal and a Certificate prepared by ASU.

The award is presented to two best video presentations (I and II) by any member of the Association during the Annual Conference. This award has been instituted from the grant 1,00,000.00) donated by the Bangalore Urological Society in 2003. In 2015, the hosts donated an additional amount of Rs. 2 lakhs thus forming a corpus of Rs. 3,00,000.00. The bank interest accrued will be utilized for distributing prizes. The first prize carries a certificate and a cheque (previously Rs.2500) and the second prize carries a certificate and a cheque (previously Rs. 1500.00), which will be handed over to the award winner during the valedictory function of Annual Conference of ASU. The certificates will be printed by ASU.

This is awarded to the best original idea/ innovation by any member of the Association, presented during Annual Conference. The initial corpus for this award was Rs. 1000.00 donated in 1994. Later in 2008, Dr. Devaprasanth Jeyasekharan son of Dr. N.Jeyasekaran donated an additional corpus of Rs.1,50,000.00 in memory of his late father. In 2015, an further additional corpus of Rs. 1,49,000.00 was donated by him, thus the total corpus kept aside for this award being Rs. 3,00,000.00. The award includes a medal and a certificate prepared by ASU, which will be presented during the valedictory function of Annual Conference of ASU.

The organizers of Millennium International Urology Conference (held in 2000 at New Delhi) donated a sum of Rs. 2.5 lakhs to ASU in 2004 to institute a Travelling Fellowship which was decided to be continued till 2022, by the AGM held in July 2015.


  • The Fellowship is given once in two years
  • Age of the candidate should not exceed 45 years
  • Candidate should be a full member of USI and ASU
  • The Fellowship amount currently is Rs. 20,000.00
  • The candidate should have at least 3 publications of which one should be in an international journal and the rest should be in national journal. At least one paper preferably should be on a research oriented topic and the candidate should be the first author of the publication.
  • The applicant should be actively associated with the academic activities of ASU and should preferably be involved in teaching and promotion of Urology.
  • The selection shall be made by a panel comprising of the President, President-Elect and Hon. Secretary of ASU. No sitting member of the Council will be eligible to apply for the fellowship to avoid any bias.
  • The application should be forwarded by at least two full members of the ASU who are also full members of USI.
  • The applicant should submit a detailed report (2 copies) of the proposed training he/she plans to undergo in the institution.
  • The applicant should submit the final report of the training along with a certificate from the Head of the Institution where he/she underwent training before April 30th of the subsequent year. The Fellowship money will be given during the Annual Conference of ASU of the subsequent year
  • If there are no suitable candidates, the Fellowship will not be given during that particular year.

The aim of instituting this award has been to promote the sub specialty of Paediatric Urology during the annual conference of ASU.

The total duration will be 30 minutes.

It should be a plenary session (With no parallel sessions running alongside). Two debaters - Each will have 8 minutes for presentation and 4 minutes of rebuttal and a total of 6 minutes at the end for discussion to the floor.

The topic, debaters, moderator and the other three judges will be decided by the ASU Council in consultation with NU Hospitals, Bengaluru.

The debaters should be Consultant Urologists or Paediatric Urologists who actively do a majority of their clinical work in Paediatric Urology. It would be preferable if they are from academic Institutes. It is mandatory that the debaters and the moderator are ASU members.

NU Hospitals, Bengaluru have donated a sum of Rs 3,00,000 (Three lakhs only) for institution of this award. ASU will make the plated medal and print the certificate to be handed over to the best debater (during the valedictory function of the conference) and certificates to the moderator.

NU Hospitals, Bengaluru will provide the design of the certificate which will have both the NU Hospitals and the ASU logo.

The medal should have both the NU and ASU logo.

This Award is given to the best post graduate student undergoing DNB (Uro)/MCh (Uro) course in any recognised institutions in the constituent states of Association of Southern Urologists, who is also an Associate Member of ASU as of 1 July of the year of consideration for the Award. Pratheeksha Charitable Trust run by Dr.H.Krishna Moorthy, Kochi as the Managing Trustee donated a sum of Rs.3,00,000.00 as corpus for this Award, the bank interest accrued from which will be utilised for presentation of this Award. The Award includes a Medal with the Emblems of ASU on one side and Pratheeksha Charitable Trust on the reverse, Certificate (having both emblems) (both prepared by ASU) and a cash prize of currently Rs.10,000.00. The selection of this Award is made during the Annual Conference of ASU, based on the guidelines approved for this purpose and the Award is given during the valedictory function of the Annual Conference. The Judging Committee will include the President and Secretary of ASU and one Professor from a teaching institution in the territory of ASU. Only those post graduate students undergoing DNB/MCh (Urology) course at the time of conduct of the Annual Conference will be considered for the Award. A post graduate student will be eligible for the Award only once during the entire course of his studentship, though unselected candidates can reapply for the Award during succeeding years. The application in the prescribed format should reach the secretariat as soft copy, before 30 April of every calendar year.

This Award is presented to the best scientific paper presented by any member of the Association during the Annual Conference. Prof. V.Ravindranath had initially donated a corpus of Rs. 40,000 (for the Fellowship in his name) and later added another Rs.2,60,000.00 in 2015. The total amount now kept as corpus for this award is Rs. 3,00,000.00. There will be a separate session during the Annual Conference of ASU for selection of the award winner. Guidelines for submission of abstracts for presentation in this session are given elsewhere in the ASU Handbook. A cash prize (bank interest) along with a certificate printed by ASU will be handed over to the winner during the valedictory function of Annual Conference of ASU.